Building Content : Crossword Puzzles.

Building Content : Crossword Puzzles.

Solving crossword puzzles is a creative and engaging way of developing problem-solving skills in children. This article will explore how solving puzzles boosts confidence levels and teaches kids useful skills that they can rely on for the rest of their lives.

What's the purpose of a crossword puzzle?

Crossword puzzles are a type of word puzzle where each clue leads to a different answer. The goal is to fill the grid with letters, words, or sentences by solving clues.

Crosswords are a great way to combine reading and writing activities.

Crosswords are a fun way to develop your child's vocabulary and analytical skills. Crosswords not only boost memory, but they also stimulate mental power. In the end, they might be one of the many ways to activate a child's brainpower without too much effort.

Below are three benefits of crossword puzzles for students

  1. Crossword is a great way to exercise logical thinking, reasoning, and vocabulary.
  2. Doing crossword puzzles can help you maintain your visual memory, which is important for many different contexts.
  3. A crossword puzzle is a good exercise for practising language skills.
  4. The crossword improves your ability to mentally manipulate shapes.
  5. Crossword puzzles are a great way to sharpen your skills in problem-solving.
  6. Crossword puzzles require mental attention in order to be solved.
  7. Crosswords are an effective way of exercising your mind.

Building Crossword Puzzles in Tabschool

if you don't know your Teacher's username and password, please contact your school administrator 
  1. To gain access to Tabschool Content Builder, You need to login as a teacher
  2. Go to >
  3. Login using your Teacher username and password. 
  4. Once Logged in go to > Content > Content Builder
  5. Please wait, it will take some time for the content builder to load depending upon your internet connection. 
  6. Once the content builder is loaded, Select > Crossword
  7. Start creating dictation > Watch the video for the full tutorial

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